
Exploratory Essay

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18. VISIONARY: Visionaries have farsightedness. They have the vision to see a better world years down the line, in fact they can see it as vividly as a picture. These visions of the future are powerful since they are inspiring for others also.

How to develop this strength:
Study more: This implies developing the habit of reading books, listening to music, podcasts & watching movies & TV series. When an individual goes through a huge volume of creative work, it helps to fuel his or her imagination.
Network: Connecting with successful people as well as people with talent or spark helps in exchange & synthesis of ideas. Networking also has other long-term benefits.
Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is a state of active & complete interest only to the present which includes body, surroundings, thoughts. …show more content…

Practicing freewheeling in thoughts is to let your thoughts keep coming freely no matter how illogical or unconventional. Freewheeling of thoughts will help in ideation especially out-of-the-box thinking.
Experiment: Not all ideas are practical. Try to experiment with your ideas & make notes of your findings. You can also discuss your ideas with people who are good listeners & encourage new ideas. In general, experimentation with different things will promote ideation & stimulate you more.
**- Making notes is very important since ideas can come anytime & anywhere & the mind tends to forget. So a good practice is to carry a notepad & a pen & make notes of ideas.

21. INTEGRATOR: Integrators are very accepting & accommodating. More than believing that every person is unique, people with this strength think how to find a common ground between people & include them in their group.

How to develop this strength:
Every person is essentially same: You need to believe that every person is same by roots. We all are a part of larger whole & hence, neither of us should be left

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