Extensive Reading Materials

2013 Words9 Pages


This research is to investigate the effectiveness of using extensive reading materials to teach reading for standard 5 students As we aware, reading is an active process in which readers shift between sources of information, elaborate meaning and strategies, check their interpretation and use social context to focus their responses. In order to maintain the interest in reading among students in this school, we need to use extensive reading materials as an alternative to teach reading apart from using the traditional reading materials.

Since the aim of the reading programme is to develop students’ ability to become independent readers, extensive reading is very important. Most extensive reading will be done out of the …show more content…

Interesting materials should be chosen so that students enjoy what they are reading. It will be a bonus if one can find materials which are interesting to both the teachers and the students. The elements of interest and enjoyment are important in reading, especially in extensive reading.

Extensive reading allows students to explore the text at their own pace which can attract them to read more. According to Nuttal (1996) on aims of reading, for extensive reading, variety is also important. Students need to read different variety of reading materials. This may include different forms discourse structures, genre, subject matter or materials- magazines, newspapers, tabloid, journals, readers, abridged readers, young adult readers, novels, etc.

Teachers can exploit the extensive reading materials to introduce or revise new vocabulary, tenses and sentence structures by exposing the student to the English language in a varied memorable, familiar and of course enjoyable manner. Learning English through extensive reading materials can be the foundation for secondary schools in terms of basic language functions and structures, vocabulary, language learning skills and …show more content…

These include adequate exposure to the language, interesting material, and a relaxed, tension-free learning environment. Meanwhile Grabe (1991) and Paran (1996) believed that the importance of extensive reading in providing learners with practice in automaticity of word recognition and decoding the symbols on the printed page. Extensive reading also able to increase the students ' exposure to the language, especially for knowledge of vocabulary Nagy & Herman (1987) claimed that children between grades three and twelve (US grade levels) learn up to 3000 words a year.

Better vocabulary grasp also lead up to improvement in writing among students, while they are used with reading and other people works, they sub consciously are able to capture the basic skills to write themselves. It also can motivate learners to read as materials selected for extensive reading programs usually addresses students ' needs, tastes and interests, so as to energize and motivate them to read the books and to help them develop reading

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