
Eyewitness Memory: Article Analysis

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In the article,”Does Talking About Emotions Influence Eyewitness Memory?,” it discusses the way emotions can affect the memory of a witness of a crime. Having two witnesses of the same crime can result in different memories due to the person’s way of thinking. The different ways that you ask questions can affect the results of how the witness can recall a crime. The authors uses hypotheses experiments to come to an conclusion if emotions influence eyewitnesses memory. They show participants emotional video clips and interview them alone and as a group to see if their stories change. The experiments showed emotions caused their memory accuracy to be reduced and that it completely affected their stories.
In the article, “Can Fabricated Evidence Induce False Eyewitness Testimony?,” there is a theory that fabricated evidence can make one …show more content…

There is lots of things that can affect a witness 's story depending on how the witness is feeling and depending on what the witness is told. For example, the subjects in “Can Fabricated Evidence Induce False Eyewitness Testimony?” were told that there were videos of their partners cheating and when they were told to sign a paper for disciplinary actions towards their cheating partners they all signed without taking a look at the video. Them signing the paper prove that the theory of fabricated evidence can influence somebody to accuses people for things they didn’t do. Emotions can also influence people 's way of memory because your emotions are going they can cause you to forget some facts of a story. In ”Does Talking About Emotions Influence Eyewitness Memory?” the experiment proved that the emotional video clips influence the subjects stories changed when the were sad explain what has happened in the video. Over time of retelling what happened in the video the subjects had hard times in remembering what happened because their emotions interfered with their

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