Facetime: America's Gift To My Generation

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It’s almost impossible to imagine that less than ten years ago Facetime was still only dream, yet to be realized. Through engineering, research, technology, and science this dream has become a reality. Facetime has literally brought the world to the palm of my hand. It can connect families and friends from all over the world. It can be used for business, pleasure, or just communication. It has made the world more accessible. It has made communicating with my mom and dad much easier. They work in aviation and are away from home often, yet through Facetime, I am able to talk and see them everyday. America’s gift to my generation is Technology.
Technology has saved so much money. What used to be carrying a book, is a file on an ipad or iphone. …show more content…

Through engineering, research, technology, and science this dream has become a reality. Facetime has literally brought the world to the palm of my hand. It can connect families and friends from all over the world. It can be used for business, pleasure, or just communication. It has made the world more accessible. It has made communicating with my mom and dad much easier. They work in aviation and are away from home often, yet through Facetime, I am able to talk and see them everyday. America’s gift to my generation is Technology.
Technology has saved so much money. What used to be carrying a book, is a file on an iPad or iPhone. People do not have to chop down trees for books. You can also save time through technology. My family and I can Facetime our doctor, saving time and gas. Also on a technical device, I have the ability to watch thousands of movies. All of my music is downloaded into one file saving space in my bedroom. In conclusion, I have demonstrated just a few of the many uses technology has brought to my generation. I am fortunate to live in a exciting time and to be able to dream of future technology to be realized for