The teacher should make sure that each student is involved in the lesson, ask process questions, open-ended questions, be patient when waiting for answers to these questions, and ultimately never say anything a kid can say. This method is something that I would like to implement in my future classroom. I know that it will take practice and perseverance, but it is something that I know I can
At times a child will regress and may need help with tasks that they have been able to do quite easily in the past. A child may express their concerns through stories/drawings. Question: Question
• CG 4.1 How do you ensure that families are kept aware of what 's happening in their child 's daily/weekly life in your program? I make sure that families are kept aware of their child’s life on a daily and weekly basis by providing them with the information from their child’s day on a daily report. I also make sure that I communicate with them both positive and negative things are their child’s day. I want to keep a healthy relationship between myself and the child’s parents and to do so I need to communicate with them about their child’s day.
Moreover, anger and disappointment are also effects seen in children. Children usually get into this attitude because of discomfort. Mostly the children don’t want their parents to leave them behind because they are the primary caregivers of them. The child's internal feelings get hurt and get disappointed after that. The reason behind this anger and disappointment is because their parents are leaving them behind.
Competency Standard III To support social and emotional development and to provide positive guidance Functional Area 8: Self I provide an emotionally and physically safe and secure environment where the children can thrive and develop their sense of self. I greet each child by name, smiling and giving them one-on-one attention. I show the children that I respect them by acknowledging their feeling and helping them express those feelings appropriately. We follow a routine, and I discuss and explain when there will be a change or disruption to that schedule.
I would adapt my communication for a child by making sure I was speaking to them at a level they will understand & also choose words suitable for their age. I would also make sure I come down to their level whether that meant sitting or kneeling so that we are at the same level. Physically we are on an equal level and not towering over them which wont make a great start for effective or positive communication and could make the child feel uneasy. Young children tend to be more tactile and may need to express them selves with touch especially if they come to you upset about something. They may simply wish to hold your hand when they talk to you which can be reassuring both physically and also make them feel they have you attention and will listen
Accommodations a child may need to be successfully included in a childcare program; When teaching… Present information through demonstration instead of just verbal instruction; use both Written words provide visual cues Signs along with spoken word When communication verbally… Short sentences while communicating verbally Breaking instructions down into small “chunks” so they understand Patience while the child is speaking; allow them so speak slowly Ask parents for help ways they can help there children develop Language & speech therapists are also a useful resource if the child has been referred to one *children with Down syndrome have trouble communicating. Whether that means using language or understanding it, a child can become very
I was fortunate to be placed in Ms. Gohil’s classroom because her classroom was dedicated to students with special needs. This allowed me to experience first hand what an actual special education teacher does during a typical class day. I also was able to see paraprofessional work with the students on constant bases, not like my previous experience where the paraprofessional would only visit the child for approximately 20 - 30 mins per class period. What I also like was that I witnessed various behavioral changes from students and was able to see in real time how the teacher and paraprofessional handled these behaviors. At first, I did not understand some of the techniques that were being used, but then I would ask Ms. Gohil questions and
I come to class with excited feeling and joy to learn and work with children and staff in this class. I dress appropriated clothes and comfort to work with children all day long. I avoid absences and spend as much as possible time in class to learn and be with children. I get used to the classroom routine schedule and ask with my colleague and teachers activities and events that occur between children that I don’t understand. I remain positive attitude in the classroom all the time.
This might include people like teaching assistants or Sen TA to provide support and train staff. These can be one on one for children each day to help them. Assitive Technology - This could be where a child may not be able to hold a pen or write but they could use maybe an ipad to use a speical txt typing programme, this could also be they have special hear aids to hear. Health Visitors - These are usually seen to check the weigh and height how well being of a child they can sometimes monitor a child if they are in need of any help.
Carla’s tantrums and destructive behavior continues to be problematic in her other classes as well. A behavior intervention needs to be put in place that will help Carla’s behavior decrease. So, we first use a behavioral assessment which will include direct observation and then recording the behavior as it occurs (Miltenberger, 2016). I would start out by having interviews with Carla and her parents along with the teachers that are involved. We would discuss Carla’s behavior and figure out what her target behavior.
For children and young people to develop positive relationships it is crucial for adults to model effective communication in the classroom. As a teacher or teaching assistant, you have the platform to facilitate social learning and lead by example. One of the main reasons why effective communication is important, is because it makes children feel happy and comfortable at school, and in your presence. Not only will this help children to thrive in a learning environment, but will also filter through to their lives at home and outside of school.
Observation is the tool that practitioners use to obtain the necessary information that helps them to plan effectively for each child. Observations are considered to be an important part while working with the children. There are number of reasons why recorded observations are required. To plan for individual children’s needs-
For the second ten minute observation, I observed was during the teacher during circle time. They do a 20 minute circle every morning and the children love it. For this observation, I would give the teacher a rating of 5 for responding to social cues. During the circle time, she would ask questions and let the children talk. She would pick on kids with their hands up and allow them to speak and she would also pick on the kids that clearly wanted to talk, where either trying to talk without raising their hands.
For the parent-child interaction observation, I decided to use my community park as the public setting. My observation consisted of watching the interaction of a mother and her two sons, who seemed to be twins around the age of six or seven years old. I observed the interaction from afar without them being aware that I was observing, which allowed me to note a true naturalistic observation without manipulation of the situation. The setting of the interaction was a community park, where a mother and her two sons of Indian ethnicity, were approaching a basketball court area. The mother began to strap a helmet on one son because he was about to ride his bike, while the other son was walking alongside them holding a basketball.