Factors Affecting English Language Acquisition

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In this paper the author will be writing the findings of his research on the factors affecting English language acquisition to learners in S.E Asia. The first section of the paper will focus on the background of S.E Asian countries learning English and why it is important for them to do so. It will then go on to look at the various problems that S.E Asian people have in understanding and acquiring English language, and look at why this is. The last subject will look at the possible solutions to teaching English language to learners in S.E Asia and how to make it simpler and easier for them to acquire the English language. The author will then conclude with a section on if these solutions will work and how he visions the future of English language acquisition of learners in S.E Asia.
Keywords: Language, English, Acquisition, Factors, Problems, Learners, S.E Asia, Teaching

Southeast Asia is an area situated east of the Indian subcontinent and south of China.
The region spreads over 4,506,600 km2, and includes 11 countries. They are Myanmar
(Burma), Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, the
Philippines, Brunei, and the new nation of East Timor, formerly part of Indonesia.

Over time, English has been spreading around the world as a global language. It is not only used in countries where it is spoken as a first language, but in many countries where it is used as a second language

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