Differences In Family Business

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This chapter focuses on discussing the factors, the function of the factors to the family business operation used in this studies and justification for the present model.

Overview of the Literature
This single feature results in a quantity of manipulation differences is the way in which family businesses manage succession from one generation to the next.A widely quote data recommends that 30% of these family firms survive into the next generation of family proprietorship, and only 15% of them survive into the third generation (Kets de Vries, 1993; Ward, 1987). This data shows that these 2nd and 3rd generation are unusually high ratio. This also means they should increase the percentage of survival in 2nd and 3rd generation. and …show more content…

The first case is when the founder of the business you want to change the nature of their participation. Typically founder began this transformation, involving other management business. Relate to others to manage the company more conscious and formal requirements founder balance personal interests and the interests of enterprises, because they can no longer do so automatically adjust people's participation.
Second, when a person has a business when a person has no other owner's power to determine the collective interest and support. For example, if a founder intends to transfer ownership to their four children, two of them in business, how they balance these differences in inequality? Four brothers and sisters needed a system to do this, when the founder is no longer involved.
The third case is that when there are multiple owners and the owners of some or all of the absent management. Given the above, there is a higher chance the interests of both companies, may be different in the interests of the people employed by the business interests of the family business. Their differences do not mean that inconsistent interest, it just means there is a greater need to have a difference of four owners of the system, it can be identified and balance. This can reduce the following three cases TMP guidelines, or "Maria" …show more content…

From these results, it seems, the company has the technical advantages of the enterprises have motivated an expansion of overseas expansion, because they can use this advantage in overseas markets, with little or no cost, the marginal cost of development advantages in the domestic market.
Therefore, I propose the following hypothesis.
H1(a). The greater the use of internet technology, the greater the degree if internationalization of entrepreneurial family business.
H1(b). The use of the internet technology is even greater, the higher the growth rate will be in the entrepreneurled family business.
H2(a). Even greater is the investment in technology, the more extensive international will be the entrepreneur?s family business.
H2(b). Even greater is the investment in technology, the higher the growth rate will be the family business

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