
Fahrenheit 9/11 Persuasion

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The Human-race is most vulnerable when it feels as if its life is at risk. With the attacks on American soil, people everywhere will be looking for someone to blame. In the film Fahrenheit 9/11 By Michael Moore, Moor attempts to bring answers to the American people. He states that the corruption of President Bush is what led the United States the go into an unjust war. His use of persuasion is what led Americans to believe him, when they were in their most vulnerable state. While his techniques were very skillful, not all his information was accurate, or true for that matter. His claims that Bush created the war to build an oil pipeline, was close to the Bin Landen’s, and the extreme amounts of money that was put into America by the Saudi’s are all used to stack upon one another to deceive the reader into thinking that there is corruption. …show more content…

One thing people associate with this name is former President George W. Bush. Bush was accused of having close ties to the Bin Laden family in this film. Not only was his relationship with them brought up, but also that of his Father’s. Fingers from every angle were being pointed at the Bush family for having ties with the family due to the type of business that was being ran. Bush SR. was a top gun in the Carlyle Group that also had investments for the Bin Laden’s. One of the shares that was owned by the group was United Defense, which was a huge defense contractor. This meant that when 9/11 happened, the stock rose due to the new contracts. Having the

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