Family Love Film Analysis

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1 Introduction Family is a warm place that supports us. However, people may shy to show their towards parents. Thus, it is good to study the theme of family love, which aims to find out the value of family. Also, it is selected three films to present the theme. The report would be used different tools to generate the ideas such as shooting techniques and music. In this report, “The Pursuit of Happyness”, “I Can't Live Without You” and “Tokyo Tower: Mom and Me, and Sometimes Dad” will be analyzed. These films are valuable for studying the culture of love in different countries. The theme of family love and the skills used in these films will be discussed below. In the followings, we will discuss how those films use the shooting skills, narration techniques and scenes to explain the theme or increase effect in order to make audience feel touching. Finally, we would compare the artworks in …show more content…

It is a Taiwanese movie and based on a true story. 3.1 Synopsis There are two main character who called Wu, the father and Mei, the daughter. Although they have a tough life, the father worked hard to earn money in order to take care of his daughter. When he decided to send his child to school, he just discovered that he is not the legal guardian, as he and Mei’s mother were not married. So the problem appeared when Wu trying to take back his daughter guardianship. 3.2 Narration Techniques This movie used the flashbacks narrative technique. Flashbacks start with the climax of the story which is about the father try to commit suicide with his daughter. Then the story start to tell why they want to jump off from the bridge. This technique can give audience an impressed starter with showing the climax of the story. You may want know what’s going on and why this father and daughter trying to commit suicide. 3.3 Color

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