Spending In Family Essay

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Chapter – IV RESULT AND CONCLUSION Based on interviewing method, responses received from various families are listed in the Table XXX to XXX. With the help of pie charts as depicted in fig. XXX to XXX of individual families, percentage spending under various category in a household could be easily recognized. Table XXX reflects individual families expenditure in various categories based on the percentage of total income generated in a family. Following are the major observations in spending pattern of various families. 1. From the survey, it has been found that even though families mean income earned by a family through agriculture as a source of income is less as compared to non-agricultural source of income. As per the survey, it has been found that on an avergae only ~37% of income is being generated by agricultural means …show more content…

From the survey, it is evident that there is least focus in Education segment among the families in the village. On an average a villager spends less than 0.5% on education. Agreed, there are various government initiatives such as Anganbadi, free education govt. schemes till 8th Class, but while interaction with the villagers, have commonly found they are least interest in education, their comment statement, is ‘What would education help, when at the end of the day, I’ve to work in a farm or as a labor in the industry’. 3. From the survey, it is evident that health and financial sectors are again such sectors, where on a average family spends less than 1% of their income. Health and financial sectors are considered to be very important sectors for any economic growth. 4. From the survey, it is evident that on an average, a family spends approx. 25% of its income in fooding categories, however it is worth nothing that this expenditure may vary from ~15% (family#6) to ~37% (family#2). This is mainly depends upon the size of the family and type of fooding habit (like in case of a Hawva driver, who use to have his midday lunch

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