Farming In Agriculture

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Over the years farming has made leaps and bounds in the sophistication of equipment, improving efficiency and making new things possible. With the need to cut costs and find new ways to maximise land potential, farmers pursue new development in equipment to boost production and cut costs. One of the biggest has been the tractor with its improvements and the latest edition of self guidance and operator less tractors. Over the past centuries the process of farming has improved in many ways. One big innovation, as shown on the John Deere timeline, early on was John Deere who made the polished steel plow in 1837. This plow allowed farmers to cut through sticky Midwest soil. The polish steel plow made it so that more farm ground was free to be …show more content…

Farmers were able to use almost all their land for growing crops, making farming more efficient. Farms were able to grow in the Midwest and attracted more people to farming in the Midwest. This was shown mostly during the year 1861, during the Civil War in the United States that caused high crop prices, making large scale farming possible in the Midwest causing expansions in farms big and small. After this, in 1875 Gilpin Moore develops the Gilpin Sulky Plow which made it so the farmer could ride on the plow instead of having to walk behind the plow. The amount of plow bottoms could also be increased. These improvements would make it so that more acres could be farmed in one day because the farmer wasn’t walking and slowing down the animals pulling the plow, and more ground was plowed with one pass of the plow. In 1910 the

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