Fashion In The 20th Century

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Fashion is a popular style which is different in every period of time and in each time some style will be known as a fashion. So, in each era differences of fashion can make that era special. Actually dresses in different period of time has changed a lot and it makes each period different than the others. Clothing has been part of human history for tens of thousands of years. It has been change and continues to be, influenced by everything around the world.
Dresses in 20th century changed a lot and each movement impacts the fashion in each time. Hobble skirt was the first famous skirt which introduced in early 20th century, which limited the movement of the legs at the ankles. However, the style became so pervasive within society that the upper-class …show more content…

Generally, during the world war most of women went to help their family and they got the job as a nurse or worker so their dresses changed to simple and softer silhouette. World wars impact a lot on the shape of women dresses and even the fabrics. People invented nylon thread and zipper. Women instead of wearing the puff and luxury skirts most of them used to wear trousers. During the war, “Synthetic materials were used to make the minimal clothing styles that liberal wartime mores considered appropriate dress. Fashion had never before used so little fabric; short sleeves and knee-length skirts in close-fitting styles accentuated the female silhouette.” (Walford). The war continued close to 1918, but it had a lasting impact on fashion. The independence, and freedom to work, that women got during the war became a new standard in society. Most of designers after the world wars introduced new look to the society. Christian Dior is one of the designers who renewed old styles in the …show more content…

Moreover, everyone can access to internet by smart phone and most of people in different ages using social media. As customers are women between 22 to 32 so, most of them or I can say all of them are using smart phones. So, the best way to do advertising is using social media like face book, Instagram, whatsaap, etc. And also everyone can access to social media everywhere even before they go to bed. But these days rarely people watch TV and sometimes they don’t have time to watch TV. Basically the cost of advertising is high nowadays and for new business can become a problem so using social media and opinion leaders is a way to promote advertising and social media is totally free and also it will not take your time to go and pay for advertising on traditional marketing such as TV or radio. Another advantage of social media is that customer easily can look for what they want so it makes it easier for them to access the data also opinion leaders have another effect on advertising so get the benefit of opinion leader in social media can also increase the sales for a product another advantage that may come from social media is that the marketers know where should target the product for example the advantage of likes in the Instagram and Facebook which is kind of electronic word of

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