Disadvantages Of Movie Theatre

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In the world of we live in there are many different ways that people seek to have some sort of entertainment in their life. Whether the entertainment is through music, plays, even movies, there is at least one form of entertaining that most everyone enjoys as equally. Movies are a vital part of the lives we live solely because of the fact that we enjoy watching them, action, drama, comedy there is always a movie out there for at least one person will like out of the bunch. Films are viewed not only for the entertainment aspect but also the art of it, how every piece of it being made makes it exactly what it is. In my own opinion, the way that I tend to enjoy movies the most is physically going to the movie theatre itself and watching the movie …show more content…

The story line of the movie just gives the young girl that is still inside of me so much hope that life does work out like a fairytale sometimes, and if you do want something in life and if you work for it you can achieve anything. On that note there are a variety of other movies out there that have a huge effect on modern America. For example, the big name movies such as Pirates of The Caribbean, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and all the other known movies that have come out over the years. A few positive aspects to these popular films are that they do fuel the film industry and in some sort keep it alive and running by the popularity. The movies are all solid in their story lines, and they keep the watchers on the hook by this technique and they will always come back for more. The negative side to this is that America is so consumed by the big name movies that the other not as popular ones are forgotten and ultimately fail because of this. Also the community is so exposed to these unreal worlds that we all get consumed …show more content…

Going from reading the chapters in the textbook to watching an actual movie using some of the knowledge I have learned has been eye opening. While watching the movie with no sound you really pay attention to details and notice that the camera really likes to focus up on the characters and make them the center, especially in the beginning getting into the movie, I believe this was done just to set the scene for the characters and to get the viewer to get to know them individually in different scenes. The filmmakers also do use the full shot style of filming, making sure that the bodies are in the shot from head to toe, and in a lot of scenes in this movie there are a majority of those shots. Getting further into the movie you notice some certain scenes being lit up a certain way to make a hint as to what kind of attitude the character may have throughout the movie. In the very beginning when they had found out Nicky Parsons was collaborating with a hacktivist group, the lighting was a lot darker as they were talking about her, and could tell that she was not a liked person by the CIA. Panning shots are used throughout the movie, which is the camera scanning the scene horizontally, mainly in scenes where the characters are walking, for example after they have the meeting about Nicky Parsons they walk out of the room and the camera is moving horizontally. Another example of a moving

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