
Felix Nussbaun Threesome Essay

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The painting “Threesome”by Felix Nussbaun from 1944 is a portrait of a family of three hiding from the Nazis in the fall/winter. The whole painting itself is yellow undertoned. This painting and the Night communicate ideas about love within families. The yellow undertone creates various emotions, one of them is hope. In the book Night, hope is a big theme. Without hope, there is nothing to look forward to or to believe in; no point of living. The woman in the picture reminds me of Elie’s father, she is looking out the window and have lost their will to fight. Elie’s father said, “... ‘Have pity on your old father… Let me rest here… a little… I beg of you, I’m so tired… No more strength…’” (105). Elie and his father both know that “rest” means death, meaning Elie’s …show more content…

Elie’s father explained to Elie that they have stopped giving the sick food (107). In response, Elie gave his father a ration of his soup. Revealing one of Elie’s sacrifices for his father, so that he could live and stay strong. Both showing how families care for one another. The Night and the painting “Threesome” have effectively sent a message that family is very important. They will be the ones to give you hope, support you through the hardships, and love you no matter what the circumstances are.

“Their Last Steps”
The painting, “Their Last Steps” by David Olére from 1946 is a “photograph” of what was happening in the Holocaust. David Olére used dark colors to express how dark the period of time it was for the Jewish people and in the background, he uses the bright red orange to represent the crematorium or where the Jews were tortured and murdered. This painting presents relationship dynamics such as, Jew to Jew. The three men on the front is the main focus of the painting. The man on the

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