Feminist Masculinity In Marshall Erikson's 'I M A Modern Bride'

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In Marshall Erikson, we see a dominant formation of postfeminist masculinity, which simultaneously merges traditional masculine value. His large physical build body structure and lawyer profession as well as his emotional softness, a caring nature, and domestication to his long time girlfriend and wife, Lily, give the viewers a conflicting construction of masculinity. However, the textual affirmation of his faithful marriage does not identify with traditional masculinity values. Franka Heise, in her article “‘I’m a Modern Bride’: On the Relationship between Marital Hegemony, Bridal Fictions, and Postfeminism” conveys the privileges of ‘marital hegemony’ in contemporary American culture which reinforces and legitimizes “heterosexuality as norm and monogamy as a social duty” and where marriage is “the most desirable and ultimately only legitimate form of intimate, heterosexual relationship” (Heise 1). Thus, Marshall from the beginning of the program is automatically claimed with hegemony control over both Ted and Barney. This is apparent when Ted persistently admires Marshall and Lily’s marriage and Barney, who is initially repulse by their marriage, but in the later seasons desires to settle down and attempts to be monogamist with Robin. Being in this hegemonic state of marriage also gives Marshall a guarantee of neutrality because he has successfully conformed to the stereotypical martial norm demanded of him. Marshall appears as a dominant version of masculinity because