Difference Between Few And Little Essay

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Sometimes we find difficulty in using the term few and little. We get confused using these adjectives and relate them to each other because they are same in meanings.

We didn’t give importance to understand that at what circumstances we should use few or little. But being a student of English language then it is must to know the circumstances where these adjectives are used and the difference between them.

In this article, we will try to distinguish the main difference between few and little and under what conditions we should use them, so read the complete article.

Use Of Few And Little

Few and little are categorized as adjectives. An adjective is a part of speech in English which describes the specifications of a noun i.e. size, shape …show more content…

It is also used as determiner, pronoun or adverb.


They have made little progress in this project. Here the word little is used as determiner which is describing the amount of progress.
John has little money. Here little is determining that John has almost no money.
Main Difference Between Few And Little

The main difference between few and little is that few word is used for plural and countable nouns and the little is used for singular and uncountable nouns.

Like when you are talking about eating fruits then we will use few because fruits are plural and countable.

Likewise, when we talk about small progress then we will use little because progress is a singular noun and we can’t count it.

Use Of A Few And A Little

From above we have learned that the few and little describes the quantity which is not much. But when we add “a” before few or little the meaning and use of them is changed.

A few and a little describes that even though the quantity is not much but still it is enough.

John has few school friends. Word few is determining here the number of friends which is not much and John has a few school friends is describing that he has not many friends but are

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