Financial Management Case Study

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This study will be very important for Mogadishu merchandise and services enterprises to get them the concept that related the effect of financial management practices on financial performance. This study will be beneficial for the possibility researchers to get as literature, which is interesting to carry out for extra study in this field.
1.8 Operational definitions of the study
Financial management refers to the process of managing financial resources, including management decisions concerning accounting and financial reporting, financial planning, investment accounting information system and financial performance, forecasting, and budgeting, as well as capital budgeting decisions, which include decisions whether to lease or buy, and whether …show more content…

The variables he was used are Investment appraisal techniques, financial Assessment, Capital structure decision, payment Policy, Working Capital Policy as independent variables Organizational performance is used as dependent variables. The researchers used questionnaires with self-administrative based questionnaires. The researchers used 35 sample sizes with companies’ related factors of economics. The outcomes indicated a positive and significant relationship between financial management practices and organizational performance in Pakistani corporate …show more content…

The purpose of the study was to begin the relationship between financial management practices and business performance of SMEs in western Uganda with a view to establishing an understandable typical directed at cultivating business performance and it was theorized that financial management practices positively stimulus business performance. The independent variables were used are Accounting Information System, financing working capital management, and dependent variables are business performance. The researcher used a sample of 335, with questionnaires based on quantities analysis with data collection and variable measurements. His findings help in explaining the business performance of SMEs. The study confirmed efficient financial management practices factor structure of observed variables and the latent variables. As a result, the study provided models for efficient financial management practices (Turyahebwa, Sunday, & Ssekajugo, 2013) as cited from (Turyahebwa, Sunday, & Ssekajugo,

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