Financial Support In Non-Government Organizations

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Financial support is sources of fund accumulated by their own initiative or provided by other sources for the expenditure to form a success project. Financial is one of the most important supports to the success of the Non-Government organization’s projects. NGOs need financial support for their expenses on managing the needs for the organization’s sustainability and the members in it. By obtaining enough support from other parties, NGOs would be able to perform better and able to give a positive impact to the society and the state. NGOs typically receive their financial support through sponsorship, fees, charity, donations, business trading and grant by the government or corporate. By attaining enough financial support to the organization, …show more content…

Each one of them has their own characteristic and has their own effort to accumulate the fund for their organization. As we know that NGO is a non-profit organization, but nowadays during this new modern era it is impossible if an organization being dependent to donors from other parties in access to perform better according to their planned tasks. But without financial support from other sources will cause the failure to their mission and vision of the organization and the events held during the program. This is why financial support is really important to most NGOs for the success to their …show more content…

HEART is organizing a three-day nationwide charity event in November in conjunction with the Group’s 2nd anniversary. The main objective of this humanitarian charity drive is to raise money for the HEART Humanitarian Welfare Fund and HEART Development & Training Fund. Through charitable events, they able to provide enough supply on their high expenses on developing the organization and the members.

Sponsorship is one of the basic methods for NGOs in Brunei Darussalam to have their financial support for their organization. Sponsorship is some one that finances a project, event, or organization directed by another person or group, for example a business enterprise that pays for radio television programming in return for advertising time.

Some NGOs in Brunei Darussalam propose for sponsorship to corporate company or enterprises to fund their events or project. By this, the process of organizing the projects will lead to success without any confrontation with crucial problems such as limited budget on the

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