Why Are First Impressions Made?

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I want all of you to imagine now that you are sitting in the bus and suddenly an obnoxious guy comes to sit next to you, he’s very loud, he spills the drink on you, doesn’t apologize he’s basically very annoying but the journey ends and everyone goes on with their lives. Days pass by, and suddenly one day it started raining heavily and someone offers you an umbrella, ohh wait a second, he’s the person that sat next to you on the bus.
Will you change your thoughts on him? or will you stick to the first thoughts you made (rude, irritating,inconsiderate) Wait let me reword this inquiry, can you actually do that ?
Based on the research that I have done, I decided to discuss first impressions, {{which is an event where one person first encounters another person and forming a mental image}}, matter greatly but, can definitely be updated.
Yet Why?, why are first impressions made? Why are they are so important?, This is the precise question that we must ask. …show more content…

It’s our second nature.Psychologist Leslie Zebrowitz of Brandeis(براندايس) University studies the facial information we use to judge other people. She states that Although first impressions are notoriously prone to error, we have no control over making them — it only takes a tenth of a second to form a judgment about another person’s character, even from a still

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