Five Bad Habits

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5 bad habits that you must leave right now!
Habit is a learned behaviour that is repeated regularly and has become almost automatic like rising early in the morning, a cup of tea in the breakfast, having a glass of milk before going to bed etc. These are the examples of habits which are limited to the individual. How you behave and respond to others is also a very important characteristic of your habit and plays a crucial role in defining your personality. The habits can be classified as good or bad.
In this article, I am going to discuss the 5 bad habits which affect you negatively and you must try to leave them right away through your discipline & efforts. These habits are as follows:
The habit of Back Biting:
We generally speak sweet in …show more content…

Similarly in our daily lives, we should try to extract the relevant information about the situation, before reaching to any conclusion.
Try to feel the situation
Try to find out the possible reasons behind this kind of behaviour of a person
When you practice above activities, gradually your conclusion pattern about the things, situations and persons will change from negative to positive.
The habit of not forgiving the minor mistakes:
Sometimes, we get so upset about other people’s minor mistakes that we end up wasting our precious time.
Why we do so?
We get upset because we have not expected this kind of negative behaviour or action from a person.
Please analyse the following situations:
S.No Situation Other person 's action or behaviour Your re-action
1 You ordered a cup of tea The waiter turns up with a cup of tea having a bad taste You scolded him in front of others
2 You are travelling in a congested public vehicle Someone is pushing you from behind You ended up in a quarrel
3 You are in your car in a heavy traffic The other car leaves a scratch in your car You had a fight
4 You are waiting for a person He turns up late You get upset and use bad …show more content…

The subject of discussion is already present in our mind in the form of past actions & behaviour of people & past events, therefore your mind feel easy to discuss about them. While on the other hand, your mind has to do exercise to come up with new subjects & ideas which require energy & efforts and we find it difficult.
All of us have some sort of deep rooted beliefs, when we find events & personality traits in resonance with our beliefs, we give positive statements. While any mismatch between them results in a negative statement. The new ideas generally challenge your belief system and your comfort zone and you find it difficult to leave either of them.
How to generate new ideas?
Reading motivating books
Meeting interesting people
Travelling new places
Develop a hobby
The above activities will persuade you to think & try something new and the time allocation on discussion about people & events will get reduced automatically.
The habit of thinking more & doing less:
We generally plan many a things in our mind but our speed of implementation is very low. You know that our mind is very agile, it cannot remain idle. The countless ideas come into and go out of mind; some are useful while others are irrelevant.
We collect so many ideas in our mind, postponing their implementation that results in:
Fading away of ideas
Rotting of ideas
Lose of relevance with

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