Five Concepts Related To Spirituality

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1. Five concepts related to Spirituality
Definition of Spirituality
Spirituality is a big concept about different perspectives. Generally, spirituality includes a sense of connection to something which is bigger than only ourselves and typically involves a search for meaning in life. There are three sub concepts of spirituality which are Core self, Life Perspective and Connection with the world. Core self in spirituality means that spirituality lies at the core of each person’s being, an essential dimension which everyone has which brings meaning to life and is an essential part of being human. Life Perspective provides a framework for understanding and approaching daily life which is the ideological understanding of one’s purpose in life. Connection with the world is a belief in a universal connection with nature, other human beings, and deity and spirituality is experienced in one’s everyday relationships with family, friends and the greater community. These three sub concepts always lead us to ask some large questions about life and identity, such as “Am I a good person?”, “What is my connection to the world around me?”, “How can I live my life in the best way possible?”, etc.

Holistic Model (Canda & Furman, 1999)
About the model and theory of spirituality, Holistic Model (Canda & Furman, 1999) has discussed about spirituality. In a wider horizon, spirituality can be interpreted as Relationship and Interconnectedness among Self, Others and God-among all that exists in

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