Five Presumptions Of The Behaviour Of Parties Involved In A Contract

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There are five essential features that must exist in order to enforce a contract. The features are; agreement, consideration, intention to create legal relations, capacity and absence of vitiating factors. Agreement is when one party offers and another party accept. Agreement is achieved when both parties assent with one another. The second fundamental feature is consideration, this is when the parties exchanges promises to give or to do something for one another. Other than that, parties involved in the contract must be intended to have legal consequences regarding the agreement. Parties involved also need to be legal in terms of age. Ultimately, there should not be any vitiating factors exist which may cause the contract to be void. …show more content…

In this case of Chris and others v LongNet, vitiating factors are present and there is no agreement between both parties. The plaintiffs and defendant did not have the same knowledge and understanding about each other’s preferences. Furthermore, LongNet’s advertisements are simply an invitation to treat. Chris and his friends merely made an offer and LongNet did not accept the offer, hence, agreement are not

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