Essay On Undernourishment And Food Insecurity In Ethiopia

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Sub-Saharan Africa is the poorest of all regions next to Asia and Pacific countries in prevalence of undernourishment and food insecurity (FAO, 2010). According to FAO`s 2014 report, Ethiopia (ranking number 1) is the worst of all African countries as 32.9 million people are suffering from chronic undernourishment and food insecurity. Which means, Ethiopia has one of the highest level of food insecurity in the world, in which more than 35% of its total population is chronically undernourished (FAO, 2014).
Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Africa with the total population of 86 million and annual growth rate of 2.6% population pressure is a serious problem in farming highland areas (CSA, 2008). According to world population review, the population of the Ethiopia estimated to 95 billion in 2014 (World Population Review, 2015). About 80% of the population of Ethiopia resides in rural areas and more than 80% of the employed people engage in agricultural activities (CSA, 2010 and CSA, 2006). Ethiopian farmers depend on largely on rain-fed …show more content…

The region has large cultivable land and rich water resource potentials. Though, it is blessed with various potentials and opportunities mentioned above, it has remained one of the least developed regions in the country and it is food insecure. There are many factors contributing to food insecurity are: very poor socioeconomic conditions, low crop production and productivity due rudimentary labor intensive farm tools, prevalence of crop diseases, pests and weeds, declining soil fertility, inadequate use of improved agricultural inputs, erratic rainfall, human diseases (like malaria), poor infrastructure facilities (road and market), absence of credit services and poor working culture of the indigenous communities largely due to use of labour intensive farm tools and low awareness (BGRFSS,

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