Food Cultural Perception

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This study explores the tourists’ perception on food culture through their involvement and knowledge thus, to enhance the tourism destination image based on the gastronomical factors. More particularly, MHF consumption experiences among tourists has been a central discussion in this research as it indicates a significant impact on tourism destination of their choice (citation). Consistent with the results on the hypothesis testing via SEM, it was confirmed that tourists’ knowledge on MHF could be a predictor of food tourism image as well as food cultural involvement which signified better predictor. Besides, these worth findings have implied that, instead of being an independent predictor towards Food Image’s perception on tourism destination, …show more content…

To sum up, the analysis carried out in this research paper could be viewed as imperative to prove the relationship between variables like the above-mentioned (citation). Yet, there is no previous study investigate both tourists’ involvement and knowledge to be the determinants in increasing food tourism image (citation). (citation) also support that there is a statiscally significant positive relationship between variables…….

As a consequence, comprehensive food tourism marketing strategies could be strategized by digesting the informative food image evaluations from the target market group’s perspective, specifically from the international tourists as this were impacting the tourism industry. The positive image of a food tourism destination is a cue to …show more content…

It was concerning that these cuisines describe MHF in total and perhaps resulting a varied of perception among tourists. Also, international tourists who travel to Malaysia have diverse of cultural background that were originated from their home countries portrayed different level of knowledge regarding food tourism destinations. This led for future research and further analysis to be conducted in comparing the dissimilar individual perception on MHF upon visitation. Moreover, the proposed model introduced Tourists’ Knowledge dimensions is not only to mediate the Food Cultural Involvement but also as a significant independent variable, pursuing to test the relational effect with food destination image that should be extended in a food tourism destination model. At last,

Finally, this study uses correlation methods with cross-sectional data, so the nature of the relationships is problematic. Experimental designs should be used to address issues of causality in future studies.

Finally the current study calls for further scrutiny into the conceptualization and operationalize operationalization of overall image as a theoretical construct. Multiple-item scales may be considered in future research to enhance the validity and reliability of their findings (Um, Chon, & Ro,

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