Russia's Role In The Formation Of The Soviet Union

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An Introduction
The foreign policy of any country is a reflection to its permanent interests. And these interests can be changed easily as there is no stable enemy or fixed friend in policy. And these things affect all the international relationships among countries.

Russia as a huge country has its own foreign policy depending on many factors. The strategic interests are one of them. The other one is its political leadership because it is the key of shaping the nature of the country's role in the international system. Russia's political leadership is in charge of using the capabilities of the country and its resources in a routine that would enable it to raise the Russia's position in the construction of the international system, and the …show more content…

The first one is the desire to find a national identity and to integrate the European concert. The second factor is the desire to make public rules the state will follow. Due to the difficult and hard period, international relations have entered, Russia found itself at the crossroads of main trends that control the route of future global development.
If we start from the beginning, at the time of the formation of the Soviet Union in 1922, most governments internationally did not accept it because of its adapting and supporting of communism, and thus most states did not give it diplomatic recognition. Less than 25 years later the Soviet Union not only had official relations with the majority of the states of the world, but had become a superpower.
By 1945 the USSR—a founding member of the United Nations—had become one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, this gave it the right to veto any of the Security Council's resolutions. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union competed with the United States of America for political influence; this competition showed itself in many treaties and contracts dealing with military alliances and trade …show more content…

Soviet intervention was seen as an aggressive attack by the United States and its allies, who founded the counter-revolutionary fundamentalists, and thus led to a return to conflicts which were greatly increased in the following years. When Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union in 1985, he wanted to restructure the Soviet Union to resemble the Scandinavian model of western social democracy and so he created a private sector economy. He removed Soviet troops from Afghanistan and began a hands-off approach in the USSR's relations with its European allies. This was well-received by the United States, which led to an end of the Cold War and, inadvertently, the fall of the Soviet economy and, in 1991, the dissolution of the USSR. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs headed Soviet foreign policy. Andrei Gromyko served as the Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs for nearly thirty years

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