Four Learning Styles

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Individual differ in their learning styles. Discuss the concepts of four types of learning styles and their application to teaching. (20 marks)

Preferred ways in which people learn based on ability to comprehend and retain information. Adult have more life experience to build on and competing responsibilities. The unique about adult learner is adult generally are more resistant to new ideas, autonomous, self-directed, goal oriented and relevancy oriented. Learning styles will be influence by their genetic make-up, previous learning experiences, culture and the society they live in. There are many ways of looking at learning styles. Some of the classification systems that researchers have developed is the four modalities, …show more content…

Visual learners prefer a visual such as look at the teacher’s face intently, often recognize words by sight, use list to recognise their thoughts and recall information by remembering how it was set out on a page. Teaching method for visual learning is use many visuals in the classroom. For example, wall displays posters, graphic organizers. Auditory learners prefer an auditory learning style such as the teacher to provide verbal instructions, like dialogues, discussions and plays. Auditory learner also solve problem by talking about them and use rhythm and sound as memory aids. For example, use audio tapes and videos, memorisation and drills. Kinaesthetic learner is learn best when they are involved or active, use movement or physical activities, competition or role plays as a memory aid. Kinaesthetic learning is difficult to sit for long periods, so with physical activities allow them to move around and be active. Tactile learners prefer use writing and drawing as memory aids and learn well in hands-on activities like projects and demonstrations or role plays. For example, ask students to fill in a table while listening to a talk, or to table a diagram while …show more content…

Idea and concepts are more important than people. They require good clear explanation rather than practical opportunity. They excel at understanding wide-ranging information and organizing it in a clear logical format. People with an assimilating learning style are less focused on people and more interested in ideas and abstract concepts. This people are more attracted to logically sound theories than approaches based on practical value. This learning style are important for effectiveness in information. In informal situations, people with this style prefer readings, lectures, exploring analytical models and having time to think things

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