Four Types Of Social Responsibility

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Student Answer: The 4 Types of Social Responsibility The 4 Types of Social Responsibility are Philanthropic, Ethical, Legal and Economic Responsibilities. Beginning at the bottom of the Pyramid is Economic Responsibility which relates to being economically viable in order to provide a return on investments. Next moving up is Legal Responsibility which are things that require compliance with laws and regulations. Next is Ethical Responsibility where companies must decide what they consider to be just, fair and right. At the top is Philanthropic Responsibility where companies need to be involved in looking at the greater good for people in society. NERICA has been successful for Africa. Africa has survived due the rice crop production. The following is the results of the new genetically rice seed produce by NERICA. An increase in grain head size from 75-100 grains per head to 400 grains per head. An increase in yield from 1 ton per hectare to 2.5 tons per hectare, yield increases to 5 tons per hectare with fertilizer use. Contains 2% more protein than their African or Asian parents. They are taller than most rice plants, which makes harvesting easier. They resist pests, and they tolerate drought and infertile soils better than Asian varieties. …show more content…

Case Analysis: ********************************************************************************************************** 4. Visit the Monsanto website to find information that is directed at 3 types of stakeholders: investors, employees, and customers. Describe the different types of information found and how it may be perceived by these different stakeholder groups. Student Answer: Monsanto’s Pledge says it best about their Investors, Employees and Customers. The Monsanto Pledge is our commitment to how we do business. It is a declaration that compels us to listen more, to consider our actions and their impact broadly, and to lead responsibly. It helps us to convert our values into actions, and to make clear who we are and what we champion. Integrity Integrity is the foundation for all that we do. Integrity includes honesty, decency, consistency, and courage. Building on those values, we are committed to: Dialogue We will listen carefully to diverse points of view and engage in thoughtful dialogue. We will broaden our understanding of issues in order to better address the needs and concerns of society and each

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