Freedom Of Assembly In Pakistan Essay

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Chapter 6
Freedom of Assembly in Constitution
The Constitution of Pakistan gives right to every citizen to Assemble peaceful manner and without weapons, by law subject to law reasonable restriction s imposed in interest of public order. Freedom of Assembly is a fundamental right in which every person assemble together in peaceful manner without arms for peaceful purpose, law only restricted only for the public peace. In every single case court decide that the restriction question is reasonable or not, court take into consideration the conditions prevailing at the time, the nature and also consider the situations of surroundings. Restriction of freedom of Assembly from the state of Emergency held in the Nation level or in normal times. Restrictions …show more content…

Therefore if an act is itself innocent then the authority has to give permission to be done and to disperse the meeting only when it is impossible in the interest of public order to continue the meeting any further in spite of the best efforts to the contrary. But if the meeting of a political nature allowed to be held and there is a danger of threat and tranquility, the District Magistrate after having been satisfied about the urgency of the matter would not abdicate and confess his helplessness until the disturbance had actually accord. Magistrate has used his power under section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code when he feels satisfied that it is necessary to exercise such powers. 32The citizens have the right to exercise of freedom of assembly, when people hold a town meeting to complain about a local problem such as poor road conditions. As long as a group is not breaking the law the freedom of assembly protects its right to have such meetings. An assembly can be an informal meeting, such as citizens who gather at a state capitol to protest a law. At first the freedom of assembly protected only the right to petition the government which means to ask the government to take particular

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