Informative Essay About Fried Doughnuts

969 Words4 Pages

Josh Dean
Period 8
Mr. Chigbrow
October 29 2014
The History of the Fried Doughnut
Mmmm…The delicious satisfaction of biting through that glazed shell into the soft, doughy center of your freshly fried doughnut ring. You finish it, but want more, craving that delicious taste. You look back at the vast, rainbow selection of doughnuts and wish there was another on your plate. Do you ever wonder where these wonderful fried pastries came from? Or when they were first crafted? Today I will tell you, my dear reader, the facts about the fried doughnut.

One of the most pondered ideas of the fried doughnut is their history. The exact origin of these beautiful creations is a relatively unknown topic, although historians have figured it down to a certain …show more content…

Say you were walking through the airport and there was an advertisement for doughnuts on sale for only 100 yen. You visit the store and purchase it but as soon as you bite in you instantly regret it… Many countries have doughnuts on the market, but most of these countries don’t exactly have our sugary-sweet fried bread rings and bars. For example, in Malaysia they mostly will have mashed potatoes that are then fried and sweetened. One day I was eating a grocery store bought doughnut (yuck!), and wondered if I could make a doughnut. I looked up a recipe but immediately backed off from the difficulty of it. Because of this, I have decided it is best to just buy them from a local doughnut store or a big chain. Here are some of the best local Boise doughnut stores: DK Doughnuts, Country Doughnuts, and Pastry Perfection. For some of the best national doughnut chains: Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Dunkin Doughnuts, and Tim Horton’s. The importance of doughnuts may be more than you think, during World War II a medic by the name of Morgan Prett decided to get a dozen doughnuts in route to the base and after treating Samuel Geary’s wounded leg, he gave Mr. Geary a doughnut. Mr. Geary liked this so much, he and Mr. Prett decided to give all wounded soldiers and some needy people free doughnuts. This action later, in 1938, became a national holiday by the name of- you guessed it, National Doughnut Day, which is celebrated on the first Friday of June each

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