Essay On Fullness Of Love

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“...To truly discover the fullness of love you must go deeper Within and look to experience the selfless qualities of love. Look to remove your need for its return and it will come back to you in abundance. To experience the greater joys and profound peace found in divine love you must freely bestow it upon your fellows; freely you have received, freely shall you give.”

“...Much of your journey to peace and joy -to God- starts with learning to love yourself. You must first forgive yourself and know that God the Father, and all those above you, have already done so. You are loved with an eternal and supreme affection by all of us above you. Every child on earth is infinitely …show more content…

Write this on the tablet of your heart: Divine love is outgoing in all its satisfaction seeking.

Seek to understand this truth more and more, the rest of your life. I will, thank you, but wait I'm not sure I even understand that now?

To truly discover the fullness of love you must go deeper Within and look to experience the selfless qualities of love. Look to remove your need for its return and it will come back to you in abundance. To experience the greater joys of love you must freely bestow it upon your fellows; freely you have received, freely shall you give.

Anytime there is a condition, conscious or unconscious, on your love- it is limited, and your experience is lessened, it is stripped of cosmic meanings and robbed of supreme values.

Again. the eternal search for God is the unstinted bestowal of love, followed by new and amazing discoveries of greater love yet to be discovered in loving service throughout your eternal journey all the way to the Father in the highest Heaven.

Selfless qualities of love, what do you mean by

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