Functional Structure Of Business

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There are a number of organisational structures within businesses. One of the most common organisational structures is the functional structure of business. This report aims to depict main departments within the functional structure of businesses and deliberate on their roles in a company.
The activities in a company are usually divided into key functional areas which deal with various facets of keeping the business profitable and efficient in achieving the business goals. None of the functions can operate in isolation, and the activities of one department affect the others. Business functions may vary depending on the type of business. However, the organisational structures of different companies usually include similar key areas. …show more content…

It is through the process of marketing that a business is able to develop a product and then implement a series of promotional strategies aimed at encouraging a particular group of customers to. Buy the product." (Hickey et al.,2017)
The most recognised principles of marketing were first suggested in 1960 by E. J. McCarthy and known as the "4P 's of Marketing." They are the following:
Whether it is a tangible or intangible product, it is important that it meets customers ' needs.
The product should be available in the right place and time. It also includes the aspect of the distribution of the product.
"Price covers the actual amount the end user is expected to pay for a product. How a product is priced will directly affect how it sells. This is linked to what the perceived value of the product is to the customer rather than an objective costing of the product on offer. If a product is priced higher or lower than its perceived value, then it will not sell" (Martin, 2014).
Promotion includes such components as advertising, public relations, social media marketing, and special …show more content…

Sales department managers ' functions involve direct interaction with customers to persuade them to buy the product or service. "A sales department advises the marketing department based on its feedback with customers and focuses on customer contact to drive sales. The marketing department tells the sales staff what to emphasise and what sales tools is will use." (Ashe-Edmunds, 2017)
Sales managers perform the following tasks:
Work with incoming calls from customers.
Perform an independent search of clients, cold calling to attract potential buyers, and conducting presentations of goods.
Inform clients about various marketing activities and notify them to fulfil certain contract terms.
Conduct document circulation, including work contracts and financial documents.

A Purchasing Department is necessary to maintain a sufficient stock of goods at the enterprise. It engages in determining the needs of the company regarding certain raw materials and technical resources, organising their storage, delivery, control, and protection.
Purchasing managers analyse the supply

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