Functionalist Theory Of Class Analysis

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According to the Oxford dictionary class is “a system of ordering society whereby people are divided into sets based on perceived social or economic status” (OD, 2017). The term class is however, a complicated term which is used in many ways. Different analyses of the term have been done under functionalism and structuralism. Functionalism studies different part of society and their functions. Structuralist theorists are interested in identifying and analysing the structures that underlie all phenomena. Functionalists believe that each part has a unique function which contributes to the stability of the society. They see class in a positive way. According to them, the presence of classes promotes hard work in society and only the best can reach to the top. Conflict theories, such as Marxism and feminism focus on power struggles and differences, for example, class conflict, and for the most part question historical ideologies. It is a macro level critique and study of society (Collins, 1971).
Many sociologists and thinkers have defined the class in different ways. Marx defined class in terms of the political and economic structures of power, he believed that power came directly from economic and political conditions and the people with power usually exploit the ones without power. He divided society into three classes the bourgeoisie, the petty bourgeoisie and the proletariat (Grant, 2001). In the communist Manifesto, Marx mentions the two main classes of society that are

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