Water Resources Management Case Study

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Appraisal of the impact and progress made on the use of Geographical Information Systems GIS in water resources management in Sub Saharan Africa is crucial at this stage. There is a rapid uptake of the technology in the region. In the past two decades a number of countries in the region went through water reforms but, bridging the gap between policy and implementation is still a major issue. The paper reviews the progress made in the region on the use of GIS in water resources management. The aim of the paper is to inform and initiate debate on approaches, cost effectiveness, and impact of using GIS in water resources management. The methodology comprises a desk review of existing studies, reports and projects in the water sector. Case studies …show more content…

It is important to define the character, shape and location of water resources and related geographic entities. GIS enable spatial analysis through simulating components of the hydrological cycle. In the Sub-Saharan African region water resource projects are inherited with overlapping and at times conflicting objectives. This a region that is still developing hence projects are varied in nature ranging from major projects with command areas of millions of hectares to very small projects implemented at the local level. In the region there is seldom proper coordination which is essential for ensuring collective sustainability (Nagraj et al, 2013). Water resources management is a process involving plan development, decision making, financing, construction, and operation. Given these the importance of GIS as a decision support system cannot be overemphasized. Water resources management builds on the core science of hydrology. Hydrology deals with the occurrence, distribution and movement of water on the surface and underground. Detailed uses of GIS in water resources management are well documented by a number of researchers (Viavattene et al, 2008) (John et al, 2000) (Chen et al, 2010) (David, 2002) (Lynn, 2009) (Shamsi, 2005). GIS use is well suited for spatial localised data representation for hydrological processes in the region. GIS data structures can be …show more content…

The tool brings excitement amongst academics and practitioners in the region. There are three key functions that have to be invested in for sustainable growth and these are governance, protective investments and productive investments (GWP, 2008). The uses of GIS can be divided into these categories. The benefits of investing in water resources development are well acknowledged (WHO, 2005) (Sadoff et al, 2006). The significant impact of water management on the socio-economic status and lives of people in the region is clear. The impact of poor water management includes high prevalence of water related diseases. Water resources development and management remain at the heart of the struggle for growth, sustainable development and poverty reduction in Africa. There is increasing scarcity of water and financial resources. Amongst other tools, method and techniques GIS plays a decisive role in decision making. Water and economic development are related variables. Fluctuations in water resources impacts directly on economic parameters in Sub-Saharan Africa. Improving water resources management aids in making an economy robust. Most economies in the region are driven primarily by agriculture. Ramifications of water scarcity and mismanagement have a direct impact on economic indicators. The entire Zimbabwean economy for instance is dependent on rainfall. Therefore investment and improved water resources management is critical for

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