Pro Gay Marriage

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Trends are popular nowadays. If someone has a hoverboard, others want a hoverboard, because fifteen other kids have hoverboards. The same will happen to many others causing homosexuality to increase in population. If a friend of yours thinks being gay is right and he becomes a homosexual, you would think it is right because he’s your friend that you have known for over 20 years. Is this what we really want our society to be like? Many have tried to save this world and create a better place, but we are harming it even more by approving this consideration. Many may consider the fact of Same-Sex marriage being illegal for it ruins kids chances in having a traditional family, it is offensive to many religions and harms society, and it is unnatural. …show more content…

There are over 2,400 religions in the world that are each uniquely different in their own ways. “Though there are differences in the views of different faiths, conservative Protestants, the Catholic Church, Mormons, traditional Jews, and Muslims share two fundamental anti-gay arguments. The first is that homosexuality is wrong because it involves sex that doesn 't create life. The Catholic catechism decries homosexual acts because "they close the sexual act to the gift of life." Early American antisodomy laws discouraged all forms of non-procreative sex (including, incidentally, heterosexual oral and anal sex). Islam shares a similar view. One Islamic hadith explains that Allah "will not look at the man who commits sodomy with a man or a woman.” According to a government based article “Preserving marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman is the most effective way to avoid the dangers to religious liberty associated with granting legal recognition to same-sex unions.” The largest country that recognizes gay marriage to be legal is the United States of America with 64% of the population in recognition. However, 3.5% of those recognitions are authentically gay, lesbian or bisexual. Additionally, over 39% of the Americans that support same-sex marriage is due to the fact that they have a close relative that is homosexual. The remaining 21% believe gay marriage should be legal because they have …show more content…

Indeed, from a sociological perspective, the primary purpose that marriage serves is to secure a mother and father for each child who is born into a society. Now, however, many see marriage in primarily emotional terms. The divorce and sexual revolutions of the last four decades have seriously undercut the norm that couples should get and stay married if they intend to have children, are expecting a child, or already have children. Political scientist James Q. Wilson reports that “the introduction of no-fault divorce further destabilized marriage by weakening the legal and cultural meaning of the marriage contract.” George Akerlof, a Nobel laureate and economist, found that the widespread availability of contraception and abortion in the 1960s and 1970s, and the sexual revolution they enabled, made it easier for men to abandon women they got pregnant since they could always blame their girlfriends for not using contraception or procure an abortion. It is plausible to suspect that legal recognition of homosexual civil marriage would have similar consequences for the institution of marriage; that is, it would further destabilize the norm that adults should sacrifice to get and stay married for the sake of their children.” Same-sex marriage would institutionalize the idea that children do not need both their mother and their father. This would be particularly important for men, who are more

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