Gender Preferential Language

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Through the linguistics’ continuous efforts, the academia has reached an consensus of the gender differences’ existence in language use. However, do these gendered-language features invariably remain? In the research “Where is the gender in gendered language”, Rob Thomson, Tamar Murachver and James Green hold the opposite opinion: these features accommodate with varied situations. By reviewing the previous researches and carrying out two experiments, they come to the conclusion that gender-preferential language is partly constructed, and people will spend more time accommodating the language styles of their own gender group rather than another. Thus, this paper will argue the credibility of opinions through additional research and personal …show more content…

Previous researches have shown that people will adjust their language with the varied situations and their partners’ language styles, especially in mixed-sex conditions.
Therefore, to support that finding, two experiments were conducted. In Experiment1, the participants are asked to have email communications with two netpals who have different gender labels. Through observation, the authors found these participants’ language vary with their netpals’ language styles, in other words, conduct accommodations on the basis of their expectations of the netpals’ gendered labels. Furthermore, in Experiment 2, the authors mismatched the netpals’ labels and linguistic styles; then, they found the gendered linguistic styles are more influential than the gender labels in the language accommodation.
Thus, the authors come to the conclusion that the gender-preferential language is constructed, and will accommodate to varied situations. In addition to this, gender-preferential language occurs more in same-sex group rather than mixed-sex ones.
Analysis of the main …show more content…

The gender-preferential language is not inherited, but partly social constructed. Its features vary with the situations, and are greatly influenced by the speakers’ partners; however, in that process, rather than the gender labels, the gendered language features is more influential in people’s language accommodating. More than that, in mixed-sex groups, people accommodate to the other gender; thus, less gender-referential language is produced than in the same-sex

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