Gender Role In Soap Operas

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Four soap operas were selected from different countries (U.S., U.K., Korea, and Hong Kong) during 1st to 5th February 2016. The four soap operas were “The Bold and the Beautiful” in U.S., “EastEnders” in U.K., “My Homes Honey Jar” in Korea, and “Come Home Love” in Hong Kong. The soap operas were chosen according to its popularity (i.e. the amount of awards of the most popular drama or the watching rate). Since the study mainly focuses on the gender role in family, the non-family related dramas would be eliminated (e.g. criminal drama and medical drama). All of the four soap operas were broadcasted from Monday to Friday for around 30 minutes. Three of the soap dramas were aired at night (at 19:15, 19:30 and 20:00, respectively) and the other …show more content…

The content analysis technique was widely used in media communication studies as it is inexpensive but efficient to collect the data. Since the content analysis also involved quantitative methods which have less bias and subjectivity, trustworthily, it is able to present the hidden pattern of values, ideology and assumption in soap operas (Khan and Zaheen, 2011). Thus, it is worth to believe the content analysis technique could reveals the gender portrayal and stereotype of soap operas in a systematic and reliable …show more content…

Due to the technology improvement, expect business and personal calls, texting via smart phone added into the category of ‘use of telephone’, also the computer/ smart phone using was added into the category of ‘indoor activities’. The totally eight types of behaviours in soap operas were ‘food-related’ (cooking, eating), ‘telephone using’ (business calls, personal calls and texting), ‘child care’, ‘indoor activities’ (reading, watching television, sewing, using computer/ smart phone), ‘on-the-job behaviours (typing, filling, counselling clients or patients), ‘social behaviours’ (smoking, drinking, courtesies), ‘touching behaviours’ (shaking hands, hugging, kissing, fighting), and ‘facial behaviours’ (smiling, laughing, crying,

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