Special Needs In General Education

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General education teachers have different opinions about the attendance of special need students in mainstream schools. The severity in special need children affects teachers’ readiness to adjust and manage particular students (Macrothink, 2012). Teachers are concerns about having students with the behavioral disorder in the general education setting. Many teachers do not believe they can teach these group effectively while they do not have enough training and support. Besides, teachers’ attitudes toward students with disabilities radically affect their education success (UNESCO, 2013).

Inclusion in the United Arab Emirates is expanding, and schools are accepting more special need students every year. The number of students with disabilities …show more content…

The calculation of the participants’ responses for Ali ranged from 25 to 34. In contrast, total participants’ responses for Omar ranged from 15 to 22. This indicates that teachers were more patient of having a student with autism in their classrooms than students with emotional, behavioral difficulty. Teachers stated that they prefer to have a student who does not understand nonverbal activities, avoids eye contact, and upset when the daily routines changed over a student who ignores desires, clash with others, and rejects to complete tasks. Educators are more confident teaching children with autism and would be more prepared to provide the supports that would create a positive learning situation for the students.
Collecting all these data and research helped me to set up differentiation in my classroom and primary. This term refers to the learners and the ability of the instructor to adjust the balance and adapt all students. In this method, teacher change differences between learners, so all students in a group have the equal chance of learning. (BBC active, …show more content…

Afterward, I classified students with a disability in each class and prepared a summary of their needs. Then I arranged a meeting with teachers, specialists, and SEN department. In this session, we analyzed each student with the disorder, support, and adjustment they need. These methods allow the regular teachers and educational staff to have knowledge about students they are expecting throughout the year. Also, I prepared the general assessment for these students to evaluate their need for each topic to adapt the course based on the result. In the classroom, apart from the academic progress, students need to interact and accept one another’s

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