The Security of the Mongol trading was so good that you could leave your things unattended and come back to them. Kubilai Khan’s rule also helped to shape the empire and improve the stability. He put new legal systems in which reduced capital crimes by half (Doc H). Also the fine arts blossomed during the reign of the Mongols (Doc H). The Mongol empire may of have a “barbaric” start but the conquest proves to help central Asia than
This displays the Mongol characteristic of adaptation and acceptance towards new cultures and ideas, implementing diversity. When the Mongols conquered most of Asia, including China and Persia, they also gained control of the continental caravan routes, which were essential to their lucrative commerce(Document J). It is a misconception that the Mongols, a successful empire that excelled in it varied commerce and trade, was barbaric due to the mature level of tolerance required for peaceful public
Were the Mongols as heinous as historians make them out to be? The mongols began as a small tribe in Central Asia that expanded their rule tremendously. They established the largest connected empire in all of the world’s history. In this Data Based Question, there is examples of how the Mongols exemplify leadership but mostly savagery.
War is supposed be bloody and brutal. I do not believe that Genghis Khan or his descendant were uncivilized , they just did what they had to do to be successful. As for as the Mongols ruling , I believe that they were good rulers. The Mongols had a brilliant military. The Mongols military was built on speed and archery.
According to (Doc 4), the Mongols created a vast network of trade routes and provided safe passage for merchants, which led to an increase in economic activity. Additionally, (Doc 6) highlights the importance of pastoralism in Mongol culture, which led to the introduction of new farming techniques and animal husbandry practices in conquered territories. The evidence from these documents supports the claim that Mongol rule positively impacted the economy of the lands they conquered. The role of trade and commerce in the Mongol Empire.
All throughout history, numerous nations have tried to conquer the islands of Japan. However, no matter how large their invasion forces were, those who tried never fully succeeded. Of all those who attempted to conquer Japan, arguably the most famous of all were the Mongols, who tried to subjugate the Japanese people twice, one in 1274, and the other in 1281. The leader of the invading armies, Kublai Khan, wished to expand his people’s influence and culture across the Tsushima Strait, and into the islands east of China. But, try as they may, they could not tame the people that called these islands home.
The Yuan Dynasty under the Mongol empire has an extensive amount of public works as they built granaries to protect the dynasty from famine, and created large road and water networks. These public works allowed for the people to have large surplus of food and water and also be able to travel in a more organized manner with the road system created (New World Encyclopedia, Country Studies). Everyone in the Yuan dynasty had access to these public works as they were used to the economy and to keep everyone fed. While having these very useful public works the Yuan dynasty also had lots of techniques using technology for warfare and engineering. While using new warfare technology from the Chinese the Yuan were able to create a strategy to take down fortification by studying the way forts were made.
It is evident that the Mongols were a very organized and civilized
Being savagely cruel and exceedingly brutal is called being barbaric. In the 13th century, Mongols had experienced many places around the Silkroad. Like the following Mongolia, China, and Persia. Mongols originate from Mongolia from there they expand their territory outward. Which leads to the following statement the Mongols were simply looking for wealth not to just be savage to the neighboring civilizations.
Verdict of the Trial of Genghis Khan. After the trial had taken place, I decided that Genghis Khan and the Mongols were uncivilized. During the time of the trial I learned much more of the brutality that had taken place during his reign. The barbaric attitudes and actions of himself and his followers is what led to him being found guilty of being uncivilized.
The Mongols, a native asian tribe, eight hundred years ago conquered much of the known world. Said tribe originated from the grasslands of central asia and went on to become one of the most successful and most conversed about castes in history. The story of the mongols, however, is one that is quite difficult to tell. The Mongols were an illiterate clan, making it close to impossible to receive a message in full context, much like the telephone game nowadays were a message is spread through many individuals until reaching the final destination. For hundreds of years the Mongols have been a center of debate for many history related discussions, though the common conclusion is yes, the mongols were a barbaric tribe, that’s not really the case, and it’s backed by facts.
The Mongols were people who had a reputation that left a mark on the world. The Mongols, initially led by Ghankis Khan and the rest of his family, expanded the Mongol empire all through Eurasia. The Mongols' way of life is nomadic with a strong military, but the way they believed was very clever with a normal belief system, but the way they carried it out was barbaric and bad. The Mongols' military tactics were smart, but it was obvious they played dirty.
As the Mongols ravaged the plains of China, they needed to establish a new government to control the newly conquered people. The Mongols were distrustful of the Chinese governments and their Confucius ways, so they kicked the Chinese out of government and replaced them with Mongol rulers. In the Middle East however, the Mongols left the rulers and political system relatively unchanged except for establishing Mongol rulers in the highest positions of law. But Persian authorities still held smaller, less powerful positions. In general, the Mongols were much more relaxed in the governing of the Middle East.
To conclude my essay, I hope you understand more about Genghis Khan. I also hope you understand my argument on why he made negative impacts on the world. He killed, raped and stole from millions of people, no person 's life should be put in danger because of one 's power over you or belief. For those reasons you should understand the negative impacts Ghengis Khan had made to the
Compare and contrast the leadership and impact of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great. Both Khan and Alexander are great leaders. They both conquered large territories and were able to guide both the leaders and the armies underneath their command. Alexander consolidated the Greeks into one empire (although being a Macedonian he was not really seen as Greek), This stopped all intestine wars among the Hellenic cities and somehow put order in the empire, transform Greece into a tremendous war machine that allowed him to conquer their eternal enemies the Persians and most of countries under their domain, reach as far as India before his death. As he was absorbed by Persian customs, and vices, most historians say he forgot his homeland, so