Introduction It’s natural to want to understand the potential risks of vaccination, especially when the benefits are invisible. But what are the reasons why they do not want to take risks with the vaccine. Body I. Vaccines have side effects A. Vaccines cause children to suffer Autism disease B. Severe allergic reactions C.
It allows your body to learn what they should fight against. However, the vaccine effects will not make you sick, since it’s not an alive germ. As the disease enters the body, it alarms the your defense system and starts to create antibodies to kill the germ. The vaccine strengthens your immune system, so a disease will never infect you even if you come in contact with someone who has one. Having a strong immune system is a crucial part to ensure your children are
" Parents are putting their children at risk of a life threatening disease out of fear. The possible side effects of the vaccine are nowhere near as like to occur as contracting the disease without the vaccine. The eighth leading cause of death in children is preventable, yet some parents are too stubborn to get their children the vaccine to completely wipe out the measles and other life threatening
Contrary to somewhat popular belief, there are no proven risks associated with vaccines. Some people believe that having
The Choice is Obvious Over the past decade, a new movement has been prevalent in the United States targeting vaccinations. This movement is known as the Anti-Vaccination movement. Vaccinations are a complex and counterfactual subject that are actually quite difficult to comprehend for some individuals. A main component of vaccines is the concept of herd immunity which merely states that you need a high percentage of a population to get vaccinated in order to protect against outbreaks.
If people begin to decide to opt out of vaccines, they not only make a decision that leaves them susceptible to dangerous and deadly diseases, they open up the rest of their civilization to contamination. When taking into account whether or not to vaccinate your child, you are making a decision not merely for your child, but a decision for all of the other children your child comes into contact with. Un-immunized kids can endanger a whole community. When deciding whether or not to vaccinate your child, you need to see the whole picture, and not just a little sliver of possibility. We have seen how it is far more dangerous to opt out of a vaccine, than it is to receive one.
If you want to reside on campus at any Florida college or university then you will have to submit proper documentation of your past/present vaccinations. These vaccines should include meningitis, hepatitis B, and MMR. This does not apply to students planning to attend any post-secondary intuition, but lives off campus. They still have to submit vaccination records but it does not include the meningitis vaccine. If more students get vaccinated, then outbreaks on campus will be lower.
A trip to the doctor; a terror-stricken child fights off a persistent parent while a psychiatrist attempts to inject a needle into the child ’s vein. As the syringe unwaveringly enters the body, the life-saving serum is activated. At that moment, the child realizes the shot wasn’t so painful after all, relaxing as a Hello-Kitty band-aid is placed on their arm.
Although this is certainly reassuring, the decisions for vaccinations come down to the parents. Many parents have opted out of giving their child vaccinations. They unequivocally feel that vaccinations are harmful to children rather than an option for help. Certainly, exposure to disease can be detrimental and can even lead to death.
The CDC believes “more than 732,000 children’s lives have been saved in the past 20 years due to routine vaccinations.” In addition, the side effects of vaccines are almost always mild. While some vaccines have little to no side effects, a few common things your child could experience include a “low-grade fever, fussiness and soreness at the injection site” and some vaccines can cause a “temporary headache, fatigue, or loss of appetite” according to Mayo Clinic. The illnesses these vaccines protect your child against are
A lot of people get vaccinated. Others don't and have a legal reason not to get them. But people are more at risk if they don't get vaccinated. If you contract a disease because you didn't get vaccinated that's putting others at risk. Do you get your kid vaccinated?
H. L. Mencken once said and I quote, “For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.” Unfortunately, this is often the case when environmental and cultural views are discussed in relation to scientific advancement. I would argue, not only is society a large influence to scientific development but, it also leads to a lack of “actual” knowledge in relation to some subjects. Most often, people are less comfortable with the “unknown.” In addition, we often times require and “explanation” for those things we cannot grasp.
While many people think that it’s not harmful to their children if they’re not vaccinated, they’re mistaken. There are many risks of not being vaccinated, which include disabilities and even a higher risk of catching a disease that could’ve been prevented in the first place. Not being vaccinated can sometimes lead to disability problems such as if there was an “Outbreaks of measles, mumps, and whooping cough are occurring around the United States—often among groups of children whose parents have refused to get them vaccinated”(Childhood 1). The side effects of these lead a child to catching pneumonia, inflammation in the brain, swollen and tender salivary glands under the ears and more. Based on the information that was researched vaccines, “Work really well.
Vaccines are like traffic lights; they ensure the safety of the public, be in heavily crowded areas, like schools, or densely trafficked roads. Traffic lights only work when all people follow the rules. If a car runs a red light, the car runs the risk of killing innocent pedestrians who are complying with the prescribed rules. Vaccines, if not utilized by most people, are ineffective. Even though some parents are concerned over the safety of vaccines, children who go to public schools should not be granted exemptions because vaccines are necessary to prevent outbreaks, children who do not receive vaccines are at risk of disease, and medically compromised children rely on vaccines to prevent disease.
Also stated in the article from, “ Vaccines are only given to children after a long and careful review by scientists, doctors, and healthcare professionals. Vaccines will involve some discomfort and may cause pain, redness, or tenderness at the site of injection but this is minimal compared to the pain, discomfort, and trauma of the diseases these vaccines prevent.” Before vaccines can even be given to hospitals they have to be examined by scientists and specialists to make sure they are safe for children. Also vaccines have to be passed through certain health department before they are able to be sent out to hospitals to have children receive them. There are many different organizations and departments that make sure children can receive vaccines.