Global Terrorism Index Essay

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Global Terrorism Index (GTI) shows how likely it is for a terrorist act to happen and whether the country is a safe place to run a business or not. According to the source, China is currently on the 25th place by level of terrorism in the world, withstanding 12 incidents that resulted in 60 fatalities as of 2015. In comparison with China, Malaysia holds the 48th place in GTI, whereas the lowest level of terrorism remains in Taiwan, which was placed 98th in the list with 2 non-lethal incidents. However, GTI is not capable to analyse future possibilities of terrorist attacks. There are certain premises that lead to Radical Islamism emergence in the South East Asia, particularly in Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand, all neighbouring Malaysia. …show more content…

The group which name was «Royal Security Forces of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo”, was sent by Jamalul Kiram III had a territorial claim to Philippines and Malaysia. It ended on 24 March 2013. The last conflict in China has happened in 1988. Conflict was named “Johnson South Reef Skirmish”. It took a place in South China Sea between Vietnamese and Chinese forces over Union Banks on 14 March 1988. Furthermore, the issue about Taiwan’s independence between China and Taiwan still occurs. There is a small probability of a conflict between states, but at the moment relations could be described as stable. Overall, comparing all three countries, Taiwan is the only state which has a military conflict risk outgoing from mainland China. Electricity As a manufacturing facilities requires power, electricity expenses become a relevant topic. For simplicity, electricity cost has been taken in cents/kWh format. The average price range in researched countries does not vary sufficiently, excluding Taiwan, where prices are lower more than 50%, therefore Taiwan offers great expenses

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