Globalization And International Migration Essay

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Globalization and International Migration The interconnectedness between people throughout the world and the free flow of good and the economy has resulted in the world becoming closer and closer. The different spheres in which globalization takes place especially the economy and politics, greatly influence migration at the international/global levels. This is because these spheres have the ability to, and determine factors such as the magnitude of migration as well as the rate at which migration occurs, for example the developed countries are experiencing an influx of migrants and refugees because of their economic status and because people across the world aspire to live in those places with high standards of living. Again, the policies of a country have the potential attract migrants to that country e.g. health care as well as social services policies. According to the Pew Research Centre a study conducted by United Nations in 2013 indicated that 69% of international migrants are currently residing in high income countries, (Connor et al 2013, para. 5) Massey, no date, pg. 26 contends that “international migration originates in the social, economic, and political …show more content…

The state has got obligations to its citizens as well as obligations to the international community. When it comes to the issue of migration the state has got the moral obligation to assist international migrants however way it can. This assistance can be by either taking-in migrants and refugees or intervening in places where refugees are fleeing from, even though the issue of intervention in another state’s affairs by the other is controversial in politics and international

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