Essay On Globalization And Culture

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Globalization has negatively consequences on culture.
While globalization is a means of allowing people, businesses and government to interact and trade with other countries, through the driving force of technology, science, transportation and communication, in far, deep and wide places. Nevertheless, globalization has negative consequences on culture.

The issue is with an increase in international trade. We are witnessing some rich countries expanding multinational industries, franchise, including broadcasting open and expressive media, with modern music and TV shows at affordable prices with advertising concepts that are attracting other nation’s society. As a result, this is causing the values and norms of these societies to break …show more content…

First, provide a mandate, which states a country tradition and heritage cannot be tampered with or changes, especially if it is for the survival of the people. Second, people within a community or in cities who does thinks in a certain way, such as how they farm, fish and manufacture goods, which is naturally safe to the environment must be protected by this ceiling from WTO. Therefore, avoid other nation from imposing products and services that can influence the belief and values of …show more content…

They can target school, speak in local cities and towns to giving advice on the importance of local practice. For instance, the traditional way of fishing had man and bird working in unity helping one another. The can also target communities and the people within cities and make them understand that it is ok to bring and employ new culture without compromising theirs, and dramatizes to many groups including depicting it on billboards, television and radio advertisement about the advantages of culture and its benefits on the

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