Silence In Buddha's Golden Silence

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answered or of answers which will always be misunderstood. Silence is the best response here. This is what explains Buddha’s ‘Golden Silence’ on the face of philosophical / metaphysical questions.
Silence may be said to be naturally built into one’s system. The human body is made this way. Silence finds its manifestation inside one’s being. This can be attested by or felt during various experiences like;
1] when the hand unexpectedly gets caught in a lift or something. One is jolted into silence, and the whole thought process gets interrupted for a few moments. 2] Or when one passes a thread through a needle,
3] Or when one jumps out from an aeroplane, and the parachute fails to open. In these extreme situations one’s mind might go into …show more content…

Be silent If you have to eat your words later-(Prov 18:21)
18. Be silent If you have already said it more than one time-(Prov19:31)
19. Be silent When you are tempted to flatter a wicked person-(Prov 24:24)
20. Be silent When you are supposed to be working instead-(Prov14:23)
“BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD” (PS46:10) May the grace of Lord be with …show more content…

2.What effects it has on people?
3. How it was in the past?
4. How yogis used to practice?
5. Why people are afraid of it? so on and so forth.

Aspiration for Knowledge
The thirst for theoretical knowledge led me to the University where both Foundation and Advanced Courses in Yoga gave a glimpse of Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga, Bhagawad Gita, and different religions and systems of thought. Here I realized that Yoga is purification internally and externally.
Opportunity came knocking at my door when I could take Mauna as my topic for dissertation in MA. Many eyebrows were raised, and amusement expressed on what can be written on this topic. Some said keep the pages blank and Mauna will take place on its own. Reading about the great personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Vinobha Bhave, Buddha, etc who practiced Mauna, makes one realize how

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