Hafiz Shirazi's Poetry Analysis

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This study explored Hafiz Shirazi poems metaphors based on Berman (2000) deformation system. Berman (2000) believe that any translations destroy the source texts and the trial of foreignness of those texts in target language is impossible. Therefore, he devised 12 deformative forces to account for the degree of destruction cause by translation. He argues that the suggested system is more acceptable and easy to explore poetry than prose. As such, from among twelve deforming forces seven most pertinent to poetry deformation selected. Therefore, 40 Ghazals and from every Ghazal one couplet of Divan of Hafiz selected. First, the selected couplets studied and interpreted in Persian in order to determine the metaphors. Then, their English equivalents from the well-known translation of Hafiz done by Behrooz Homayon Far determined. The metaphors, both Persian and English tabulated, …show more content…

Berman was the supporter of literalism and foreignness of texts across languages. He believes that any translation proved to be good provided that it manifests the features and foreignness of the original text. Further, he argues that each translation experiences the “trial of the foreign”. Berman (2000) introduced “deforming tendencies” by which translating prevents this trial of foreignness in the target language. He believes that translation is the trial of the foreign in the context of literary translations, which is separated from non-literary translations (2000). Berman (2000) claims that the former are much more liable to the so called “naturalization” which causes the loss of essence of the work, “the foreign.” According to Berman “the author examines the system of textual deformation in translated literature and shows the reader why the translator is never free of deforming forces: the ethnocentric structure of every culture and language (2000). Defrmative

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