The traditions of Vodou in Haiti is a prime example of religious syncretism-as it has a combination of Christian and traditional African religions. These practices were also influenced through syncretism with French Catholicism. The West African deities, primarily from Benin and Dahomey, are called loa and are also usually identified with Roman Catholic saints. For example, the serpent loa, Damballah, is often identified with St. Patrick. Also Houngan, or Voodoo priests, have long since adopted elements of Roman Catholicism in Voodoo rituals, including the use of candles, bells, crosses, the practices of baptism, and making the sign of the cross.
The first one is Christina presentation was really interesting because of the Religion in Haiti. The material, she discusses within her presentation is about New Orleans and West Africans of the creation of Voodoo or Voodou. She also discusses the importance history of Haiti itself too. There are about 7,000 Haiti that is into the Voodoo religion.
Within the period of 1750 to 1914, changes were taking place around the world. New empires and nations began growing and expanding their territory, and as a result of these actions, wars, bankruptcy, and rebellions became more common. An example is the American Revolution, in which the American colonists, who were influenced by new philosophies and the sense of nationalism, fought and gained their independence from Britain. This revolution eventually inspired others throughout the world as it was successful in gaining the colonies independence from a powerful European empire. Those revolutions include the Haitian and French Revolution.
Since George Romero’s film released in 1968, Night of the Living Dead, zombies have been a major part of pop culture. According to The Nurse's Role in the Prevention of Solanum Infection, there are five main types of zombies. The first type of zombie is the necromantic zombies or the un-dead raised from the grave by magic or sorcery. The second type of zombie is a voodoo zombie that requires black magic in order to be raised from the dead. The third type of zombie is the Nazi zombie that came from the experiments performed during World War Two.
To begin, stated in “The History of Haunted Houses” an essay written by Bekah McKendry the ancient egyptians, greeks, roman, and the medieval dark ages used scare tactics in religion and to guard they booty, treasure booty that is. Mazes, moving walls, self opening doors, and snakes were used on a regular to keep people from stealing. The greeks used mazes, labyrinths, and monsters in there religion and in their folklore to tell stories about the greek gods and goddesses. Lastly in the dark ages, the celtic and pagan religions used frightening stories to scare away christians and to try and make them believe in
A large portion of the population in Haiti follow the Roman Catholic Religion, however, there is an understanding that Voodoo may be the National Religion of Haiti. In the
Well, there are many tales as to how the living becomes the living dead. As stated in, World War Z, the infection started from civilians getting bit by an unknown animal of some sort (Brooks 6). However, according to the article written by Ryan Bradley, “Before they appeared in movies, zombies played an important role in voodoo (or vodoun) culture in West Africa and Haiti.” So where actually do Zombies come from? They may appear from and infection or some types of black magic, therefore; they may appear whenever, so you will have to be prepared.
These zombies could very well be infected by a weaponized version of Brook’s virus Solanum (Brooks, 2003). The Marines in Oster Point have observed the behavior of the zombies, and are able to use their predictable behavior against them. As the book opens, the Marines, observe a group of zombies trying to get into a house. Based on their eagerness to obtain access, Captain James assumes that there must be someone living inside.
The zombie started in the Caribbean and vampires were creatures that changed over time. When it comes to it both are extremely popular in movies, media and TV shows. Certain questions still need to be answered but what we do know is that vampires are the eternal in us while zombies are the mortal in us. We will always know that vampires never die and that zombies are
Halloween The misunderstanding of Halloween is an odd and confusing holiday. This confusion is the result of miscommunications through generations of the original meaning of the Holiday over the years. The origin of Halloween commenced over 2000 years ago as the Celts, which was a Celtic God of the Dead. The Celts would build large barn fires to scare away the evil spirits and make sacrifices for receiving good crops in the coming year.
Benin was formed in 1960 when the colony of French Dahomey gained independence from France. Prior to that, it was divided between two coastal kingdoms that were Dahomey and Porto-Novo. Benin is made up of 43,483 square miles and extends about 420 miles from the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean to the Niger River. The capital of Benin is Porto-Novo and the form of government is made up of a combined republic with one legislative house. In Benin, there are two climatic zones, the southern and the northern, which have four distinct seasons, two being wet and two being dry.
Nowadays, zombies films has become more popular and increasingly. Beside the history of zombies, it show that the zombies’ idea dates back to 8th century, the word ‘zombie’ come from nzambi, in Kongo means’ spirit of a dead person’, or Zanbi. In zombie-related book, magazine, articles, movie films, even video games has based on zombies, this have to follow back to 1932, the year which the first full-length zombie films (White Zombie) came out. The White Zombie is directed by Victor Halperin, the film is telling that the revolves around a young couple Neil and Madeleine who have travelled to Haiti and Madeleine is turned into zombie by a Voodo master, she forced to a wealthy plantation owner. At the end of the film, evil Voodoo master and her husband knock each off a cliff, the white zombie bride awakens from her zombiness and returns her true love.
Stories about them had already been passed down through generations. There are some particular stories which helped the vampire fad rose to fame and in between those periods of time, more stories and shows about vampires were created. In 1816, there were a group of friends who were on holiday and decided to tell ghost stories. From this story telling competition came “The Vampyre” which was made by John William Pollidori.
If Haitian people really believe this, how did our image of zombies get so distorted? The word zombie originated in West Africa. The word first came from slaves, and it advanced further because of voodoo. Voodoo is a religion that originates in Africa; it focuses on the human experience, even after death.
ZOMBIE MOVIE MOVIE is a comedy zombie horror script. It combines dark humor with the horrors of being attacked by zombies. Like the film SCREAM and SCARY MOVIE, the script appears to be an attempt to be a parody of the zombie genre. This certainly has merit. The idea of making a fake zombie movie in which real zombies attack is a fun idea.