Halloween In The Woods

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Page 47 reads as a scene set at August’s school, where his English teacher defines the word precept on the whiteboard. His declaration vaguely suggests that precepts are rules about “really important things”. This results in an unsuccessful class brainstorm covering nearly everything but what Mr Browne is looking for.
“What kind of person are you? Isn’t that the most important thing of all?” he concludes, the class falling to silence as he leads on to explain his precept -“When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.” Although not the main quote of this scene, it plays a major role in the meaning of the main one.
Mr Browne is explaining the importance of being someone, for you couldn’t do anything without it so. …show more content…

It even beats Christmas. I get to dress up in a costume. I get to wear a mask…nobody notices me, nobody knows me,” on Page 73, August voices to the reader the great effect Halloween’s contrast to his daily life has on him. It’s a time for him to blend in, feel normal and be able to interact with people while disregarding the judgement usually received. He is expressing how he really feels about his condition: ashamed, and is joy-filled by the thought of being considered normal – even if it isn’t for long. To us, his statement enlightens us to gratefulness of times we are drawn to the attention of others for good, because some are looked at for the …show more content…

In summary, she is afraid of hurting her brother, yet afraid of his face hurting her social status. Justin describes her as a “little lost bird” due to this indecision and “looking for its nest” because she can’t settle on whether to stand by family or friends. He supports her through this and offers her his “wing” to “hide under” in empathy. his throws a lesson our way to be thankful if we have a family to lean on, even if we may not always understand

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