Halloween Music Persuasive Speech

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In order to get in the Halloween spirit, you have to listen to some awesome Halloween music. There are definitely way more Christmas songs than Halloween songs but let’s make a playlist to see what will help us get in the Halloween spirit. There are many songs and artists to choose from but we have to get the best of the best. The best songs are sure to get you in the best Halloween mood, and the only way to find the best Halloween songs is to ask everyone what they think, obviously.
According to Ansley Joslin, 8th grade, her favorite Halloween song is Thriller by Michael Jackson, “I absolutely love Michael Jackson as an artist he has so many different styles and no song is alike. But I don’t really hate any Halloween song because they all …show more content…

She said that she doesn’t think Halloween songs are necessary, that we shouldn’t have invented them in the first place. “Halloween songs are completely unnecessary, unlike Christmas music which puts me in the Christmas spirit, but Halloween music annoys me. I mean what’s the point of making music about a holiday that isn’t even that important.” Obviously Susan despises Halloween music. So if she doesn’t like Halloween music what else is there? “I like pop music and Christmas music because they make me so happy and cheerful they make me feel like eating many bags of gummy …show more content…

That’s what I love about holiday music because it’s so happy and bubbly that it makes me in a good mood because the holiday songs are usually make me excited for that holiday.” Jayde is clearly a music gal and would do anything to listen to it but let’s see her perspective on Halloween music. “Halloween music is great I could listen to it all day, but I would probably listen mainly to all of the songs from the movie ‘Hocus Pocus’, because it is my all-time favorite Halloween

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