Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1 Essay

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Act 3 Scene 1

William Shakespeare’s hamlet portrays quite an interesting story that revolves around human emotions consisting of anger, and revenge. The bitstrip media project has been designed with an objective in mind of bringing out hamlets state of mind who is going through extreme agony. To make the bitstrip a lot more informative, in the inferences have been made by paraphrasing the dialogues in order to explain the true sense of the play. The lines have been chosen to include Hamlet’s centuries old and famous quote, “To be or not to be?” since the scene includes a dramatic irony of certain characters hiding from the protagonist when the audience is aware of the facts. Inference can be noted in Claudius’ aside to himself, where he is explaining that he feels guilt resting upon his shoulders. He is also thinking of the future and the what would become of him due to his actions. He questions if there is pardon, enough to rid him of the …show more content…

The first quote (3.1.51-55) tells the reader that Claudius is scared that all of his dirty deeds will catch up to him. He compares his murderous actions to those of a woman who wears makeup. After all, women in the past time were considered to be untrustworthy or snake-like. The second quote (3.1.57-61) is when Hamlet says the most famous line, “To be or not to be—” Hamlet throughout most of this play contemplates suicide and often says how sad he is. However, in this quote it sounds as if he is coming past the suicidal remarks, questioning and thinking of why people do not kill themselves. If noticed, he does not use I or me. The third quote chosen, (3.1.123-131) is spoken by Hamlet towards Ophelia. Hamlet directly calls on women for being a lower class than men, only known to be “breeders”. However, it also quotes that he would rather his mother never have given birth to him because he also categorizes himself as being a