Harmony In Malaysia Essay

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As Malaysians, we are blessed to be a citizen of a diverse and multi-cultural country. There are few other countries in this world that can proclaim themselves as harmonious as Malaysia is. Even before independence, our leaders have long embraced the cultures that make up Malaysia. Today, the concept of unity is still strongly upheld by the people as it brings many advantages.
One of the many importances of maintaining harmony in such a diverse country is to protect the peace in Malaysia. Steps must be taken to ensure a harmonious interaction between the many cultures, race and religion coexisting in Malaysia. If not, it is not a question of if, but when an internal war would break out. Without harmony uniting us, senseless arguments and fights would break out over small matters, and may escalate into wars. We would lose innocent lives and the damages would be catastrophic. Lest another deadly incident reminiscent of the 13 May 1969 incident repeat itself, we must put all efforts into maintaining the peace. With harmony, only are we able to live life in peace without worries about war. The next generation will also be …show more content…

Blessed with rich cultures full of so many ethics living together in harmony, the diversity in Malaysia can work to be a huge advantage in furthering the developments of this country. From the viewpoint of the tourism industry, our diversity is a strong point in attracting foreign visitors. This will channel foreign money into our country, which could be used to build infrastructures for citizens. Besides that, peace in the country would promote a better and flourishing economy, increased international trades, and attract foreign investors. Not only the quality of life increases, but poverty is reduced, and work opportunities increases. Taxes earned can also be spent for advancements in the country. Slowly but surely, Malaysia will be able make a name for itself as a highly advanced

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