Mark 5: 21-43 Analysis

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This passage in Mark 5:21-43 to me primarily captures two essential principles. First, it is a beautiful display of Jesus’ love for us irrespective of our background, social position and our standing before him. Secondly, we see that having faith in Jesus reverses situations that seem to be beyond hope and out of our control.

We are able to clearly see two characters whose faith has brought them to Jesus – Jairus, a Jewish synagogue leader and a nameless woman who has been suffering with a bleeding issue for 12 years. They both have a desperate need for healing and are convinced that only Jesus can provide that healing. The healing of Jairus’ daughter seems to be interrupted or delayed by the woman with the bleeding issue. Jesus does not look at it the way we see it. He did not want to let the incident just go by without notice or mention. In fact, he makes it a point to stop amidst what seems to be a life and death matter and takes time to acknowledge the faith of the woman who touched him.

Jairus vs Woman …show more content…

He didn’t have to think twice about approaching Jesus publicly and being vulnerable in his desperation. It would not be odd or culturally unacceptable. Whereas being a woman, an unclean woman, she could not bring herself to approach Jesus publicly. We note here that according to Old Testament Law (Lev 15:19), a woman on her period is considered unclean and anyone who touches her also is deemed unclean. She has been ‘unclean’ for 12 years! That is a very long time of possible isolation, rejection and not to mention physical weakness that accompanies losing so much